
Mar 6, 20231 min

How much do you play with your children?

Updated: Jan 3

Children don't say: I had a bad day, can we talk?
They say: Will you play with me?
(Lawrence Cohen)

Dear parents, giving time and attention to our children is not only about expressing how much we love them, it’s also a prerequisite for their emotional health.

Through play children express anger, anxiety, joy, empathy…

Through play they process their day.

Through play they learn to think, plan ahead and be creative.

Through play they learn to use their imagination.

Through play they simply learn about life.

As parents, we definitely want to be part of that.

So make it a habit EVERY DAY, for 10 to 15 minutes, to put all YOUR distractions away (screens, work, thoughts, worries or other children), get down on the floor, and PLAY with your child.

If you would like to gain more tools and insight on respectful parenting, please join my upcoming parenting class.
