Mommy / Daddy, when you put me in time-out I feel so lonely…..I feel alone in the whole world, because YOU are MY WORLD, and when you tell me to go to my room, to “think” about what I just did, I can wonder: Why can’t I be part of the family right now…?
You usually put me in time-out after I hit / broke / screamed / pushed or was already very upset and now, I’m even MORE UPSET to be there….. It makes me feel SAD, SCARED and sometimes very ANGRY.
I feel blamed and SHAMED and I wish there was a way to tell you, that the only thing I need right now is a HUG.

Dear parents, I know the feeling of being helpless… I also used to put my kids in time-out! Throughout the years I spent in the Adler Institute, becoming a Parenting Coach, I realized that time-outs do not teach children to make better choices. They only escalate in us giving harsher punishments as time goes by.
Today I teach parents many alternatives to time-outs - Strategies that are more effective, and mainly LESS EMOTIONALLY DAMAGING, like: giving choices, applying consequences, teaching accountability, and raising independent children, with a high sense of self-esteem, who do not need to seek attention, or power over parents.
If you too would like to gain better parenting skills, please reach out.