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Barbara Harcavi
Parenting Coach - Couples Counselor - Family Mediator

10 tips on Potty Training
“Potty training” should be called “POTTY GUIDING”, and it is first and foremost a LEARNING process. Our child is acquiring and practicing...

Have you ever seen a tantrumming little elephant?
Apparently just like our human toddlers, little elephants have tantrums too. The following little elephants’ family was caught on video...

How much do you yell, demand, or criticize your children, on a daily basis?
Do you often show signs of anger, frustration or disappointment at home? We all wish our children would just listen to us, sometimes...

Help! My Child is a Picky Eater
One of our biggest concerns as parents is FOOD. So many parents consult with me because they have “picky eaters”… and I would like to...

Help! My Toddler is Biting
FIRST: Make sure there is no underlying condition like a speech delay, a developmental delay, SPD, or just teething and gum sensitivity....

We all know those challenging moments we say “no” to our child, or things don’t exactly turn out like she/he had in mind, and here starts...

It's not our job to make our kids happy....
It’s our job to hold space for them when they are sad, angry, frustrated or disappointed. It’s our job to set limits, boundaries, and say...

Stop making Children feel Bad
"You can't teach children to behave better by making them feel worse. When Children feel better, they behave better”. (Pam Leo) So many...

Sleep when the baby sleeps...
Sleep when the baby sleeps. Fold laundry when the baby folds laundry. I wanted to write 10 tips for the “new mom”, but I just realized...

Here's to new beginnings...
September 1st is right around the corner, and for lots of children (and parents) this is A NEW BEGINNING (to kindergarten, to first grade...

Are you having a tantrum?
Dear parents, when your child is having a tantrum, the best thing to do is to not have a “tantrum” yourself. A few point to remember: 1. ...
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